Wednesday, September 7, 2011

a start

a pledge to shed, to open, to be.

I will, yes. Respond to your provocation: I will remain here, if you've abdicated. I should mirror your query. Where are you? Let alone (where are we) having fallen ages hence from the high wires of our shared dreams. Perhaps I should rejoice that I, at least, feel the loss, begging and reaching and yearning still. That yearning bound us, somehow unfulfilled, possibly always. I am not bound by my biology. Directed, ruled even, but that does not explain the disconnect,  of a knowing, as forever, something goes missing. 

Do you feel that? Hush-- try-- Can you...?

And I sink further as this unstated remains unanswered.

We've, I've, landed back where I began, but (at least there is this assurance)

nothing is irrevocable.